You don't spend all your time checking Twitter? Here's a sampling of what you missed during the last three weeks of October. Please forgive the self-promotion...
Why are Larry King's ratings even lower than Parker Spitzer? My guess: suicides during Parker Spitzer. 13 Oct
This is the most awesome image in a Wikipedia article, ever: 14 Oct
I'm going out on a limb to say that independents may be key in this year's elections. And the middle of a bridge is key to it staying up. 15 Oct
Still can't believe that at start of Yankees series both top MA Gov candidates named NYC mayors as most admired living pols. Appalling. 15 Oct
#madmen Bobby Draper doesn't want to ride an elephant because they never forget. Did I pick out a new observation from this show's carcass? 18 Oct
Dear Gays: we lost, what, 6 or 7 teenagers in 2 months to gay suicide and it's a step forward to have a Gay Housewives show on LOGO? Really? 19 Oct
Dear author: You don't have to put every colloquialism in "scare quotes." We know you don't mean it literally. 19 Oct
RT @scott_tobias: Quality-enjoyers: MadMen over. New shows mostly stink. You now have room in your DVR/heart for #Terriers. Save this show. 20 Oct
If you mess with me today, I'm going to go all Ginni Thomas on you and ask you to apologize in 19 years. 21 Oct
Know what's great about a cellphone? Calling you to say I'm not running late and won't wait for you if you are. 21 Oct
Dems should advertise free Doritos at polling places RT @ppppolls: ..Prop 19 a turnout driver for progressive young voters in California: 25 Oct
Rand Paul 2010: Don't Tread on Me. Tread On That Chick Over There. 26 Oct
In related news, Punxsutawney Phil caught trying to flee Berlin with fake passport this morning. #psychicoctopus
26 Oct
NBC refuses to air "Parks & Rec" until Amy Poehler is found drunk, naked, and coke-fueled in New York hotel room. 26 Oct
I've been and it is. @mattyglesias Anyone who's ever been to Millinocket will find this hilarious: 27 Oct
Poor Turnout Expected for CNN's March to Restore Sanchez 28 Oct
Also evidence of time travel: Klansman spotted wearing Crocs in climactic scene of "Birth of a Nation." 28 Oct
"They Live" to describe a disguised-alien attack, "Them Live!" for the giant-ant-starring off-Broadway show. 29 Oct
Big relief that Juan Williams wasn't on my flight here. #rally4sanity. 30 Oct
Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it. - Mark Twain. 31 Oct