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February 09, 2012


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Dave Rosen

So can it be argued that The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is the next-level version of Cosby? All those same middle-class values but with Will Smith pouring gasoline all over them. The Fresh Prince characters are clearly more outrageous and therefore I dare say - this show is funnier.

Steve Garland

Really enjoy this survey. I notice on this one you reference the writers, but on some of the others you don't name the writers. I know episodic TV is more of an amalgam of actors/roles/writers then plays or movies (e.g. see your comments re All in the Family and O'Connor Stapleton relationship), but I wonder whether it might be appropriate to give a nod to who wrote the episode in each case.

Can't wait for the rest, though sorry Frank's Place won't be included. It had one of my favorite Christmas episodes at least in a one-time viewed nostalgic haze. Wish they could work out the music rights.

Robert David Sullivan

I will try to mention the writers more, and perhaps do a post on writers who have contributed to multiple shows. The episode titles at the top of each post link to, which has writer/director info, but you're right that it would be handy to have them listed here.

I remember really liking "Frank's Place" as well. I keep hoping that general interest in New Orleans will prompt someone to pay for the music rights and release the series on DVD.

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