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« Top 100 sitcom episodes of all time, No. 19: "The Doll," Curb Your Enthusiasm | Main | Top 100 sitcom episodes of all time, No. 17: "Charity," The Office (UK) »

August 25, 2012


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Just a quick note -- on Happy Days, Kenny Piccolo was, for multiple seasons, Joanie's off-camera best friend/bad influence. In 1980, after Ralph and Richie left the show and Joanie moved more center stage, they finally cast her. But traditionally, like you said, there aren't a lot of examples.

And there are certain instances -- like Vera on Cheers and Maris on Frasier -- where it was obviously much, much better that they never were shown. Those shows were brilliant in their casting, but there was no way they could've matched what viewers had built up in their minds.

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